Nature Guides

Pat McKrill

Pats’ interests lie in the behavioural traits of insects and animals, and he conducts educational walks and talks throughout southern Africa, opening minds and changing mindsets.

Cell: +27 83 303 6958


John Roff

John Roff is a qualified provincial Nature Guide, with 30 years guiding experience in nature reserves and wilderness settings.

He leads groups of all ages on specialised and general nature experiences that will open your eyes to see Fountainhill in a whole new way. 



Cell: +27 83 662 2306

David and Sally Johnson

…offer weekends for eight people to explore the incredibly diverse landscape of Fountainhill. Your particular interest can be catered for, whether it be birds or trees or wild flowers, geology or the stars, or just a general love for nature. Fully catered (bring your own drinks) from Friday afternoon till after lunch on Sunday. Comfortable en-suite accommodation, a game-drive vehicle with a knowledgeable driver at the helm and delicious food, all make for a fantastic weekend.

David was the ornithologist at the Natal Parks Board, has a passion for our indigenous trees and keen interest in all things natural, while Sally adds her knowledge of the wild flowers and general enthusiasm for all the wonders of Fountainhill.

For more details phone Sally on

Tel: +27 33 239 0694

Cell: +27 72 1379408


Tammy Caine

Tammy has been conducting bi-annual Raptor Scoping Reports for Fountainhill Estate since 2015. She also runs basic introduction to bird of prey identification courses on Fountainhill Estate. 

 Projects and Programs Coordinator


Cell: +27 76 724 6846


Nick Evans

Nick Evans is the founder of KZN Amphibian & Reptile Conservation, and spends all of his time trying to educate people about these misunderstood animals. As well as removing unwanted snakes from homes, writing, and presenting snake awareness talks, Nick also takes people out ‘frogging’- searching for the beautiful frog species that KZN has to offer! However, that is a night time activity.

During the day, Nick takes people out to actively look for snakes in the field. This can be challenging, but it can also be hugely rewarding.

Cell: +27 72 809 5806
