Trees & Shrubs of Fountainhill Estate |
Botanical name |
Common name |
Zulu name |
Acacia ataxacantha |
Flame Thorn |
umThathawe/uBophe/uGagane |
Acacia caffra |
Common Hook Thorn |
umNyamazani |
Acacia davyi |
Corky Thorn |
iPhuthwa |
Acacia gerarrdii |
Red Thorn |
umPhuze/umSama |
Acacia natalitia |
Pale-bark Sweet Thorn |
umuNga |
Acacia mearnsii |
Black Wattle |
Acacia melanoxylon |
Blackwood |
Acacia nilotica (karroo) |
Scented Thorn |
umNqawe |
Acacia robusta |
Ankle Thorn |
umNgamanzi |
Acacia sieberiana |
Paperbark Thorn |
umKhamba |
Acacia tortilis |
Umbrella Thorn |
isiShoba |
Acalypha glabrata |
Forest False-nettle |
isiThombothi |
Albizia adianthifolia |
Flat Crown |
Allophylus africanus |
African False-currant |
Aloe arborescens |
Krantz Aloe |
umHlabana |
Aloe barberae (bainesii) |
Tree Aloe |
Aloe ferox |
Bitter Aloe |
Aloe marlothii |
Mountain Aloe |
Antidesma venosum |
Tasselberry |
Umnangazi |
Apodytes dimidiata |
White Pear |
Umdakan |
Englerophytum natalense |
Natal Milk Plum |
Umthongwane |
Berchemia zeyheri |
Red Ivory |
umNini |
Boscia albitrunca |
Shepherd’s Tree |
uMviti |
Brachylaena discolor |
Coast Silver Leaf |
Brachylaena elliptica |
Bitter-leaf Silver-oak |
isiDuliehlathi |
Bridelia micrantha |
Mitzeeri |
Umhlahla mangewibi |
Buddleja saligna |
False Olive |
iGqeba-elimhlope |
Burchellia bubalina |
Wild Pomegranate |
uQongqo |
Callistemon viminalis |
Weeping Bottlebrush |
Calodendrum capense |
Cape Chestnut |
Umbaba |
Calpurnia aurea |
Natal Laburnum |
umLalandlovana |
Canthium ciliatum |
Hairy Turkey-berry |
Canthium inerme |
Common Turkey-berry |
umVuthwamini/isiTobe |
Canthium mundianum |
Rock Alder |
umNgalambele |
Capparis tomentosa |
Woolly Caper Bush |
umQoqolo |
Carissa macrocarpa |
Amatungulu |
Cassinopsis tinifolia |
False Lemon-thorn |
Isolemamba |
Catunaregam obovata |
Celtis africana |
White Stinkwood |
Ndwandwazane/umVumu |
Cereus jamacaru |
Queen of the Night |
Chionanthus peglerae |
Giant Pock-ironwood |
Isizimane |
Clausena anisata |
Perdepis |
isiFudu |
Cleistanthus schlechteri |
False Tamboti |
Umzithi |
Clematis brachiata |
Clerodendrum glabrum |
Tinderwood |
umQoqonga |
Coddia rudis |
Small Bone-apple |
umDondwane |
Combretum erythrophyllum |
River Bushwillow |
umDubu |
Combretum molle |
Velvet Bushwillow |
umBondwe |
Commiphora harveyi |
Copper-stem Corkwood |
umBumbungwane |
Commiphora marlothii |
Paperbark Corkwood |
Craibia zimmermannii |
Sand Peawood |
Ubambulenyoka |
Croton gratissimus |
Kalahari Boegoe |
Umdoni |
Croton sylvaticus |
Woodland Croton |
Indumbahlozi |
Cryptocarya liebertiana |
Wild Quince |
Cryptocarya woodii |
Cape Quince |
umThongwane |
Cussonia paniculata |
Mountain Cabbage Tree |
Umhluti |
Cussonia spicata |
Common Cabbage Tree |
Cyathea dregei |
Common Tree Fern |
Dais cotinifolia |
Pompon Tree |
Dalbergia obovata |
Climbing Flat-bean |
uDukuduku |
Dichrostachys cinerea |
Sickle-bush |
Diospyros lycioides |
Bluebush |
umBulwa |
Diospyros natalensis |
Acorn Jackal-berry |
Amasinda |
Dombeya rotundifolia |
Common Wild Pear |
iNhlinziyonkhulu |
Dovyalis caffra |
Kei-apple |
Dovyalis zeyheri |
Apricot Kei-apple |
umNyazuma |
Dracaena aletriformis |
Large-leaf Dragon Tree |
Drypetes gerrardii |
Forest Ironplum |
Umthwakele |
Ehretia rigida |
Puzzle Bush |
uMankhele |
Ekebergia capensis |
Cape Ash |
Umgenya |
Englerophytum natalense (Bequertiodendron) |
Natal Milkplum |
umThongwane |
Erythrina lysistemon |
Common Coral Tree |
umSinsi |
Eucalyptus camadulensis |
Red Gum |
Euclea crispa |
Blue Guarri |
iDungamuzi |
Euclea natalensis |
Hairy Guarri |
iChitamuzi |
Euclea undulata |
Common Guarri |
umishekisane |
Eugenia capensis |
Dune Myrtle |
uGqiya |
Eugenia natalitia |
Forest Myrtle |
umBhovane |
Euphorbia ingens |
Naboom |
Faurea saligna |
Boekenhout |
iSefu |
Ficus burkei |
Common Wild Fig |
umThombe |
Ficus burtt-davyi |
Veld Fig |
umThombe |
Ficus glumosa |
Mountain Fig |
umDende |
Ficus ingens |
Red-leaf Rock Fig |
Ficus lutea |
Giant-leaf Fig |
umTombetombe |
Ficus natalensis |
Natal Fig |
Umthombe |
Garcinia gerrardii |
Forest Mangosteen |
Isibinda |
Gardenia thunbergia |
White Gardenia |
umKhwakhwane |
Grewia occidentalis |
Cross Berry |
Grevillea robusta |
Silky Oak |
Halleria lucida |
Tree Fuchsia |
Harpephyllum caffrum |
Wild Plum |
Umgwenya |
Heteromorpha trifoliata |
Parsley Tree |
umBangandlala |
Heteropyxis natalensis |
Lavender Tree |
umKhuze |
Hippobromus pauciflorus |
False Horsewood |
isiPhahluka |
Hyperacanthus amoenus |
Spiny-gardenia |
Jacaranda mimosifolia |
Jacaranda |
Jasminum multipartitum |
Kigelia africana |
Sausage Tree |
umVunguta/umBongothi/iBelendlovu |
Lantana camara |
Lantana |
umFufonyane |
Leucaena leucocephala |
Giant Wattle |
Leucosidea sericea |
Ouhout |
Lippia javanica |
Bushman’s Tea |
Margarataria discoidea (Phyllanthus) |
Peacock Berry |
Umadlozini |
Maytenus heterophylla (Gymnosporia glaucophylla) |
Blue Spikethorn |
isiHlangu |
Maytenus nemorosa (Gymnosporia nemorosa) |
White Forest Spikethorn |
umHlangwe |
Maytenus undata |
Koko-tree |
iDohame |
Melia azedarach |
Syringa |
iSilinga |
Millettia grandis |
Umzimbeet |
umSimbithi |
Monanthotaxis caffra |
Dwaba-berry |
umaVumba |
Monodora junodii |
Green-apple |
Umkotshi |
Mystroxylon aethiopicum(Cassine aethiopica) |
Kooboo-berry |
umGunguluzane |
Obetia tenax |
Mountain Nettle |
imBati |
Ochna natalitia |
Natal Plane |
isiBomvu |
Ochna serrulata |
Small-leaf Plane |
umBovu |
Olea europaea |
Wild Olive |
Umhlwati |
Olea woodiana |
Forest Olive |
Umqugunya |
Opuntia ficus-indica |
Sweet Prickly Pear |
Ozoroa paniculosa |
Resin-tree |
isiFice |
Pachystigma macrocalyx |
Rock Crowned-medlar |
isiPuthe |
Pappea capensis |
Jacket-plum |
Umkhokhwane |
Peltophorum africanum |
African-wattle |
umSehle |
Phoenix reclinata |
Wild Date Palm |
Podocarpus falcatus |
Outeniqua Yellowwood |
Umsonti |
Podocarpus latifolius |
Real Yellowwood |
Umkhoba |
Polygala myrtifolia |
September Bush |
Psydrax locuples |
Krantz Quar |
isiKhondlwane |
Pterocelastrus echinatus |
White Candlewood |
uSahlulamanye |
Putterlickia verrucosa |
Forest False-spikethorn |
uHlinzanyaka |
Protorhus longifolia |
Red-beech |
Umhluti |
Prunus africana |
Red-stinkwood |
umDumezulu |
Psidium guajava |
Guava |
Psychotria capensis |
Black Bird-berry |
Ptaeroxylon obliquum |
Sneezewood |
Umthathe |
Pteleopsis myrtifolia |
Stink-bushwillow |
uMwandla |
Rhoicissus tomentosa |
Common Forest Grape |
isiNwazi |
Rhoicissus tridentata |
Bushman’s Grape |
umThwazi/isiNwazi |
Rothmania capensis |
Common Rothmannia |
Rothmania fischeri |
Woodland Rothmania |
umKotshi-wenyama |
Rothmania globosa |
September Bells |
umPhazane/isiGcatha-inkobe |
Schefflera umbellifera |
False Cabbage Tree |
Umsengembuzi |
Schotia brachypetala |
Weeping Boer-bean |
Umgxamu |
Sclerocarya birrea |
Marula |
Umganu |
Scutia myrtina |
Cat-thorn |
isiBinda |
Searsia chirindensis (Rhus) |
Red Currant |
umHlabamvubu |
Searsia dentata |
Nana-berry |
Searsia lucida |
Glossy Currant |
Searsia pentheri |
Crow-berry |
Searsia pyroides |
Firethorn Currant |
Searsia rehmanniana |
Blunt-leaf Crow-berry |
Searsia rigida |
Senna didymobotrya |
Peanut Butter Cassia |
Sesbania punicea |
Sesbania |
Sideroxylon inerme |
White-milkwood |
umaKhwelafingqane |
Spirostachys africana |
Tamboti |
Umthombotii |
Solanum aculeastrum |
Goat Apple |
Solanum mauritianum |
Bugweed |
Stachys byzantina |
Strelitzia nicolai |
Natal Wild Banana |
Suregada africana |
Common Canary-berry |
umHlebesi-omhlope |
Syzygium cordatum |
Umdoni |
Umdoni |
Syzygium gerrardii |
Forest Umdoni |
Umwhlathi |
Tabernaemontana elegans |
Toad-tree |
Tabernaemontana ventricosa |
Forest Toad-tree |
Teclea gerrardii |
Zulu Cherry-orange |
uMozane |
Teclea natalensis |
Natal Cherry-orange |
Umzane |
Tecomaria capensis |
Cape Honeysuckle |
Terminalia phanerophlebia |
Lebombo Cluster-leaf |
amaNgwe-omphofu |
Terminalia sericea |
Silver Cluster-leaf |
amhlope |
Trema orientalis |
Pigeonwood |
Tricalysia capensis |
Forest Jackal-coffee |
inDulwane |
Trichilia dregeana |
Forest Natal Mahogany |
Umkhulu |
Trichilia emetica |
Natal Mahogany |
Mkuhla |
Turraea floribunda |
Honeysuckle-tree |
Umadlozana |
Plumbago |
Plumbago |
Vangueria infausta |
Wild Medlar |
umThulwa |
Ximenia caffra |
Natal Sourplum |
umGwenya |
Zanthoxylum capense |
Small Knobwood |
amaBelentombi |
Zanthoxylum davyi (Fagara capensis) |
Forest Knobwood |
Ziziphus mucronata |
Buffalo-thorn |
umPhafa/umLahlankosi |